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Session 323 – Tomb of the Builder

The public telepathic message, number 323

Wrocław, the 9th of April 2022


Spiritual Entity – Earth Guardian ENKI through his medium Lucyna Lobos-Brown, answers asked questions


ENKI: I – ENKI – Guardian of… the Earth – and of people too, have been, and will be… cared for. Before we move on to… questions and answers I would like to… add a little bit more… to complete what I had conveyed to Lucyna and she was to say this. She was delegated – saying, because it’s as if it hasn’t been more than six and a half thousand years since this burial… of the mummy, or the Builder. Everything was precisely prepared, and especially it was prepared for the  present times, so today’s people would be aware of the importance of the situation… and even … that the Spiritual World exists, although, let’s say, 50 percent of the human population thinks that there is nothing. There is no Spiritual World, there is no God, there is nothing. Hence, I will  repeat, I will repeat in order for all of this to be communicate on the Internet and in order for people to prepare for… further work. Well, what has been said… by the Spiritual World and by the medium too, because she was not getting respond by saying that… under the Temple is the Tomb, and there is nothing in the Tomb – except the mummy. It was not yet the time, it was not the time to reveal the secret, the huge secret that is… in the Tomb. It is not that there is nothing in the Therefore…, I will repeat it again, if – it has not been – recorded before. Well, in the Tomb itself, as I say, there is protection, enormous protection. This place was supposed to outlast to present times… so the sarcophagus, where the mummy lies, is lined – I mean, lined with precious stones. diamonds [said with a sigh]… The thing which is so much sought after and… the mummy himself has, let’s say, a kind of a jerkin made of gold on his chest – put on.  What is in his chest – it was also already said – is a device which will also be very necessary when you get there. So, for… the curious or the gold-hungry, the wealth-hungry, I announce that: all this is… both in the Temple and in the Tomb. Only that… one advantage has been made by the Spiritual World, by Sirius – I point out. Sirius will allow entrance to the Temple… to those who want to reach the Tomb, to this very treasure that is now more and more talked about. The security has been removed, I mean – removed, and all those who will want to enter there – through the Temple, trying to enter the Tomb – will enter, and by all means – will enter. However,.. there is a another thing… To enter the Tomb, you need the Key – to open the… gate, the gate that borders the sarcophagus – the Tomb. Who… will enter – we will see, however, there is wealth in the Tomb. It is impossible, impossible to describe its great value of the treasure. not that much gold, however, diamonds, enormous amount of diamonds that protect and prevent the Tomb from being filtered, from being filtered… by this GPR – what is inside. Therefore… I encourage, I encourage even treasure hunters to… go there and… you will find out, you will find out WHAT (!) is the TRUTH and what the people there are really looking for, and why residents, people living there, are preventing others from entering this place. However,… in the meantime I will add  more. Now I am listening to the first question, I am listening.

Paweł: Welcome our Dear Friend and Protector. You have already told us a lot about the Tomb itself and here some of the questions were about that, so for example Elżbieta wanted to know what exactly is in the Tomb, you have already given that information, possibly adding something

ENKI: And what can be added… to that. Is… is a sarcophagus lined with… precious stones is that not enough!? And securing a mummy with gold – is that not enough? At the moment, this is worth unimaginable huge money! – of your, your mammon. Therefore [sighs]… maybe I’ll add something more, if there are such questions. However I’m informing you that THE TOMB IS NOT ONLY A TOMB WHICH HIDES MUMMY, there is wealth, enormous wealth, which is WAITING – today. I am listening further.

Paweł: Welcome Beloved Enki, Sirius and Spiritual World. Do we know the person who is the Key to entering the Tomb and how can we help to make it happen faster? Agnieszka.

ENKI: To enter, to enter first into the Temple. And I’ve already indicated that the Temple is clear of protection at the moment – you can enter and visit the Temple. However, as for the Tomb, few moments more… you have to wait. I mean, we’ll wait to see how the gold and diamond-thirsty people enter there. Then I’ll reveal who the Key is and… what he has to do when he gets there. I am listening.

Paweł: Is it possible for someone to get into the Tomb without using the mentioned Key? What would be the result? Paweł from Łódź.

ENKI: Is it possible? Yeees, it is possible, however, the consequences, after that entrance, are already very unfavorable. Not only for the one who enters it, but even for the family. That person who without permission crosses this gate… this Tomb – will simply die. I am listening.

Paweł: A warm welcome to our Spiritual Guide Enki and to all Friends who have come to the meeting. My question is this: where did the material collected near the famous wall on the Giza Plateau come from? Thank you. Michał Fiedorczuk.

ENKI: You were there, Michal. You’ve touched that stone, and the fact that… those groups of “moles” are digging… all over… under the Plateau is true, after all, and… they excavate that material in order to then just spread… scatter it or spread it there, in that place where later, or soon, treasure hunters will start operating. So… it’s not all brought from nowhere, however, it’s all from under the Plateau. I am listening.

Paweł: Beloved Protector of the Earth and people, thank you for your care and protection. My question is about the excavations, when we get news from Egypt, because the reality around us is getting worse? Will we make it, is there a deadline for Bill and Lucyna to leave? Agnieszka from Częstochowa.

ENKI: Bill’s deadline is there and… Lucyna’s deadline is hard to define because… unfortunately, the Egyptians are placing Lucyna  in a bad light. Also, this way they defend… against access to… the Temple, to the Tomb. However,  it has to happen this year, because Sirius is already impatiently can’t wait, because… they want to accelerate the Cleansing on Earth, not from the Mother Nature perspective, however from people themselves. I am listening.

Paweł: I know that you and Spiritual World have a lot of work to do right now. We, as your dedicated group, are trying to add our bit to these activities and sometimes we run into obstacles, including myself and Grażyna, from the Russian side. We have not been able to arrange a meeting. How do we proceed so that we do not fail and complete our tasks quickly? Joanna.

ENKI: Leave, it was a test – for us too, however… leave – just leave – Russia alone. They too were given a chance, however, they did not take it. After all, the Cleansing of the Earth will affect the WHOLE POPULATION OF PEOPLE! All of it. You just have to watch calmly now, and leave Russia alone as a test – for them, too. [Sigh]. A not that while, even after Bill’s visit – to Egypt, this will also be… shown at the meeting, because he will bring – a lot of information. Now they are waking up themselves – the Egyptian foundation. You won’t write to them either, unless you know Egyptian language. Therefore [uttered with a sigh]… calmly, at this moment, at this time – calmness, once again calmness is the most important thing. What is most important now is what has been said today by Lucyna and I have added. The gold and precious stones – they have magic, they have enormous magic power and you will see, you will see what will happen. I am listening.

Paweł: Welcome Beloved Enki, our first question is about the activation of the Pyramid. Will it be accompanied by any visible phenomena, will people be able to know that something has changed on Earth? Monika and Tomek.

ENKI: Do you know when? When… first you reach the… the Tomb and when the ceremony of transferring the mummy to the Tomb… the sarcophagus in the Pyramid takes place, then only then will there be this merging of the first Star of Orion’s Belt – with the Earth, that is… with this sarcophagus, because that what is in the chest of the… the mummy, the mummy, that is the Builder. Will it be [sigh]… soon? I would like that too. However, it will be soon, because once again – I repeat: the magic power, the vast magic of wealth, of gold, of precious stones will do its work. I am listening.

Paweł: After the Pyramid is activated, will the Cleansing continue, taking people being in the matter? Monika and Tomek.

ENKI: It will, by all means. This is also why… Sirius is on Earth now, to select, to separate the wheat from the chaff, just as it was… written, said in the Bible. The Cleansing last until the grain is… cleansed from the chaff. And it will happen. We, the Spiritual World will not accelerate it. The Earth is to be as the Creator intended it to be – a Paradise Planet. It was said so and it will be become the Paradise. I am listening.

Paweł: Is there anything that we as an association are still missing to get to the Tomb? Monika and Tomek.

ENKI: You will read for yourself later… what is said. All human beings, human beings, you are – still – at the stage of – learning, like little kindergarten children, so… the fact that… human beings have been given these thousand more years – to organize, to learn is also thanks to Sirius! – Who will also continue to teach – people, teach everything. That is why you have to – patiently wait. I am listening.

Paweł: Dear Enki, thank you so much for your care, your intervention and your protection. I would like to ask you about an effective remedy to help me with my emotions and my blood pressure, which has been acting up recently. Of course, I take advice from my doctor, but I would like to be able to stop taking medication. Mirosława from Częstochowa. 

ENKI: Mirosława, for the time being… you still have to follow your doctor and trust him. You are living in such and not another time where… emotions are gathering around you, huge, bad emotions. Try to calm down, try to clear your mind… of these negative emotions. However, don not start using medication on your own. Consult with your doctor. I am listening.

Paweł: When my daughter, the fact that she is already twenty-three, is moving the wrong way, should I give her free rein, or give her hints that she could live differently? It’s about her turbulent relationship, which seems to have broken down and she’s still in it. Agnieszka.

ENKI: There is a saying: God forbid you should interfere, give such… wise… advice. You’ve been through a lot, so… you’re so wise that you can manage your daughter, you think. Don’t forget that… every age has its rights, and so does her age, and… there’s nothing you can do, nothing you can do to remove this relationship, because there is also strong chemistry there. Therefore… take care of something else, maybe take care of yourself, take care of… helping… people, and leave your daughter alone if you want… harmony between you and her. I am listening.

Paweł: Wonderful Friends Enki and Sirius, I want to thank you so much for your constant help and care, which we feel especially now during my Janek’s illness. I would very much like to ask you to direct the doctors who will be taking care of him. Thank you again and best regards. Teresa.

ENKI: You, Teresa and Jan, can directly… have this contact with the Spiritual World, with Me. It is good that… the questions have now come here, to this room. However after all, every day you can be supported by our – Cosmic – Energy. Faith, faith – does – miracles. Once… when Jesus lived on Earth someone thanked Jesus for… a cure. What did he reply? “Not I, not I healed your… husband, but your faith”, so… Teresa, I say the same thing: faith and again faith – unwavering, true faith. It is faith that can work miracles. I am listening.

Paweł: Are pancreatic and stomach disorders a symptom of solar chakra disorders? Monika and Tomek.

ENKI: Do you, Monika and Tomek, do you… have in your place… brain? If you do, start using this… organ, the mind. Almost all… diseases have their origin in the mind! What is wrong on Earth is, it is wrong because of humans. How much is the creation of yours? Do you not see this? Start creating, programming the mind… fooor these correct tracks and after some… time you will realize and notice that… there is an improvement. I am listening.

Paweł: Beloved Friend, my younger daughter-in-law is pregnant. A boy child is due to be born in mid-June. Does Your protection given to me, and given to the mother of the child, also protect the child? If not, I would like to ask you to extend Your protection to this little being, who is preparing for life on Earth. Greetings. Paweł from Łódź.

ENKI: Very nice – question. Yes [sigh], this little being would need to be… taken care of. Not yet born, but it’s already alive, it has a spirit after all, and… well, maybe not me directly, because… I think you see what’s happening on Earth, so I’ll send, I’ll send a Guardian – a Spiritual One, who will… take care of it even now, when it’s in the womb, and later, when this little being is already born, because it’s not by chance… there’s… this little man on his way to Earth. He can play… the important role… already in the future time. I am listening.

Paweł: Thank you very much, Enki. Welcome Friend and Teacher Enki, is the recent two-year pandemic period and the timing of today’s riots in a neighboring country a distraction from the threat from the Cosmos and the long ago predicted consequences? Thank you for your answer. Grażyna from Karczew.

ENKI: Why do you move the Cosmos, the Spiritual World, Grażyna? When something happens, it’s best to find someone to blame, so, well, the one who is to blame for what is happening… let God be the One, because, after all, He takes care of the Earth, too. Have you ever consider how much is people’s blame in all of this, in people’s minds? You people? No, you always search to find someone else to blame. You have already found, yes? You have found that it is… the Spiritual World is to blame. Reverse, reverse this actions happening between the neighboring country and even Russia and Poland. Start to send a different energy, a positive one, a very positive one, and not looking in the Spiritual World or even at God Himself – the guilty one. What is God to blame for? For this what is happening there. Did He choose these countries on purpose?… and Poland, too, where they are after Poland? Is… this – God’s fault or you people? I am listening, further.

Paweł: Greetings to you, Guardian of the Earth Enki. I thank you for the opportunity to come to the meeting of the Pharaoh Mission Association. Thank you for your care and spiritual guidance, for my health and for the job I have and also for my safety.  The situation in Ukraine is dramatic and the politicians and rulers are sending people to their deaths. Can you influence those in power to change their actions and decisions. Fame and glory to Ukraine. Jarosław.

ENKI: Is only… Ukraine… to blame? Russia. Is… in all of this not people’s fault? Human conduct? What have people… done so far? Michal was in Egypt recently. He has worked very hard to… interest others with excavation, to get to the Tomb. He didn’t say [sigh] everything, however, he said there was something very, very valuable. What kind of reaction? Almost none. Maybe now we can caught interest of those organizations that are so involved: the Egyptian and the Japanese. However, don’t look for people to blame, don’t look for what… what people are guilty of. Instead let everyone start FROM YOURSELF!… And… those supposedly poor, disadvantaged… in Ukraine – yes, you have to help, energetically help. However, haven’t you… noticed how much evil these creatures from Ukraine have already done towards Russia.  What are they saying about Poland? You don’t see it, that’s why… it’s good that Sirius has loosened up a little bit, but so that when Bill comes back from Egypt, “tighten”, “tighten the screws”. Maybe then they will notice, people will notice that… they are not such human beings, such holy beings. I’m saying this, I’m saying it in a slightly raised voice, however,… I’m saying it so that even those who think they are so wonderful and pure – will notice, will also notice what they are doing wrong. That’s why this… that’s why this – I think and will think that this Cleansing, which is also partly the work of Sirius – is going the right way and… people, people start use your BRAINS! I am listening.

Pawel: Krzysztof Jackowski from Człuchów has recently reported that he had a vision that at the end of April and the beginning of May Poles will flee en masse from south-eastern Poland because of something invisible. At the same time he says not to panic and stay at home. Can something like that happen? Małgorzata.

ENKI: Is it just… the south-eastern region?… Malgorzata? And haven’t you thought that… that on such ruined… area in Ukraine – people will want more than just the south-eastern area? More of Poland? That is why… start, I repeat again: without such a great pity, start helping people energetically… by transferring energy to them. I am listening.

Paweł: Is there any point, these days, investing in gold? Thank you. Paweł from Canada.

ENKI: And there is so much gold in the Tomb!….

Laughter from the audience.

ENKI: …and you ask me? Paweł… since we know each other so well, provoke those who are also thirsty for gold and precious stones to start digging. Then, Paweł, I’ll tell you how to get to… the gate, and open the Tomb,  but such a question now? I am listening.

Paweł: Lord Enki, how can someone protect himself from a man who has a narcissistic personality? This is also Paweł from Canada.

ENKI: What can you do with a narcissist – such a beautiful narcissist flower. However, you can’t give in to such a narcissist either! Have your specific… opinion. [Sigh]. Try to establish such a strong… understanding. However… always stand by your own. I am listening.

Paweł: Dear Enki, my Lord, I greet you warmly and thank you for your care, guidance and help for me and my loved ones with all my heart. You came as the first from your 10th Planet to the Earth about four hundred and forty-five thousand years ago. Who else but you knows our history better. After all, you are an eyewitness to this day. Besides, you were a genetic engineer back then, and it was you who helped create the present human being from the simple creatures that were already on our Planet when you arrived. My question is, during our history here on Earth over the years, was there a time when people behaved worse than what is happening today? Thank you. Bogdan from Chicago.

ENKI: Well, welcome, Bogdan. But to this question… I will answer you… when we… meet – in Chicago. Well, I was – a geneticist, I have been improving – those primitive humans, because God the Father himself was the Creator of human beings. I was only commissioned to… refine this human race. And that is what happened too. You are asking if there were worse times? Well, there were bad times when Jesus was on Earth, however, there were no such bad times… as there are today. Now… it’s even worse. And it can get even worse, unless… people or the great ones, above all the very great ones, come to their senses in their minds and start… trying to reach the Tomb, because it is in the Tomb, in the mummy, that the solution is found. There are the Ten Commandments concerning people… and their future. Also, only… you will get the message to open – the gate – the Tomb of the sarcophagus, when… still the great ones have already entered… the Temple. I am listening.

Paweł: Beloved Enki, thank you very much for the protection I have received for myself and my family. I would very much like to ask you to help my daughter Victoria with her high school and university exams. Will I see the excavations to reach Khufu done in my lifetime? Best regards. Katarzyna Schwihtenberg.

ENKI: Faster than you think, Katarzyna. However… it can be done by greediness… for wealth, for gold, for stones, and it can happen very quickly. The sooner this record comes out to circulate around the Earth, and they’re reading, they’re reading veeery carefully, the sooner the excavation work can begin and you can see it done – as much as possible. However, how you proceed from there is up to you, your conduct, your mind. I am listening.

Paweł: Is the action of giving such great powers to Ukrainians in Poland intended to destabilise our country? Mirosława.

ENKI: And for this question… then… I would ask you for a personal session. I can’t answer directly besides when it’s all recorded to satisfy your curiosity. Personal session! I am listening.

Paweł: I greet you warmly Dear Guardian of the Earth Enki. How should we protect ourselves from the incoming war? Should we leave Poland for abroad or is it better to stay here? I know that whatever happens I have to remain calm and trust God the Father and the Spiritual World implicitly, but would you have any more advice for me and for all of us? Deeply devoted to you, Edyta from Warsaw.

ENKI: Then why is this question? – If the faith in you is boundless? If… you have faith – then you will also live. Maybe there could bea war clashes, however… in this session, in this recording, the words of mine emphatically told people to – start thinking smart. Also, those who are now fighting with each other to start transferring the energy of peace, love. Where do you want to escape? Maybe to a different Planet? You could do that too, couldn’t you? The Moon is said to be inhabited already and… settlements are beginning to be built – right on the Moon. Think about it. I am listening.

Paweł: I welcome You Lord Enki and the whole Spiritual World. Thank you for taking care of me and my family. I have a question, is Poland threatened by Russia? Thank you for your answer. Elżbieta.

ENKI: Personal session!

Momentary pause to rearrange the tape for recording.

ENKI: I am listening.

Paweł: How much longer will the war in Ukraine continue and will it spread to other countries? Katarzyna Schwihtenberg.

ENKI: If people act the way they do… at the moment – then yes. The same Poland, human beings, living in Poland – they will be poooor, very poor, because… Ukraine is just Ukraine. I am listening.

Paweł: As a little boy I had a friend, Iza, with whom I was very much in love. Years later she married my friend. Now I had a dream in which Iza came to me, we were on a walk, talking. I was very tired of this dream, I decided to contact them. After talking to her husband I found out that she has had an operation for stomach cancer around this time. What did this dream want to communicate to me?

ENKI: Help, Paweł, help, because after all, you and she are still energetically connected. She is the one who… chose – didn’t choose, or turned to you for help. It doesn’t take much, just take a few minutes every day to visually give her the energy: peace, health. And that’s it. I am listening.

Paweł: Those were all the questions that were submitted here on the Internet and on cards. Alternatively, could anyone from the floor ask anything else if there were such questions?

ENKI: If it does not concern the war between Ukraine and Russia, I am listening.

Paweł: Would anyone like to ask any more questions yet?

Maciej: Well I just have this request, if in my professional situation… Hello Dear Enki, I just wanted to ask if in my current situation where I have to (…) perform (…) [indistinct and drowned out by rustling sheets of paper]… what you have given me. Thank you very much.

ENKI: Maciej, not long ago you were – you are very impatient, like a little boy, so… what did I suggest to you? That you – give – yourself some… time and peace. This applied brake of life – slow down a little. Then, when you have rested a little, and you will rest, then (!) you can come to Me.  However, literally a few days have passed, and you still think the same! You still don’t want to accept the fact you’ve been given, so… start working on your mind and clearing it and (!) start – quietly a moment, a moment to live. I am listening.

Paweł: Anyone else?

Member of the audience: I would like to ask about the basics in connection with the excavations. It is known that Egyptians have a rather strict attitude towards women. Mrs. Lucyna is a woman and they won’t really Mrs. Lucyna  to take part in it, I think.

ENKI: What attitude do Egyptians have towards women?

Person in the room: Strict.

ENKI: Very politely said. A woman is compared to a donkey there. On the same line she is treated…

Voice from the floor: Worse, because it is… [unintelligible].

ENKI: …like a donkey. The fact that… Lucyna there… has this attitude – they know it too and that’s why… men came into play. Not her. And so it will be – up to a certain point, and… that Egyptian community needs a large shake-up – and so it will be as well. Even so… a woman will be given her place in life, which she doesn’t have today. Is there still a question? I am listening.

Person in the room: Welcome Enki, I have one more question. I know that there is great wealth in the Tomb. Is this wealth not only of a material nature or is it also great wealth of a spiritual nature?

ENKI: Both. The spiritual one is needed to… activate… the connection between the Planets… which [sigh] is still closed at the moment. And it will be opened when the mummy is put into the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid. The material one – it is for the time being, it is, it is so protected, especially with amazing precious stones, that no device that they will try to trace, to check – will work. Therefore… this matter is matter, let them take it away and… let them put in the sarcophagus, which is in the Pyramid the mummy of the Builder. Then many eyes will be opened. They will see what will happen. I am listening.

Paweł: Is there still in this tomb, apart from such material matters, is there also something like a “time capsule” with such cultural heritage, with evidence of the existence and functioning of past civilisations?

ENKI: Yes, the so-called Ten Commandments about the past, present and future. This is this Time Capsule – let’s say, a small device that is in the chest – mummy – of the Builder. However, But it’s true, there is such a thing. I am listening.

Paweł: Michal?

Michał: Welcome Enki, I would like to ask you about such a situation which is in Iran right now. It smells of war there. Will this not prevent us from discovering what we have to do on our part?

ENKI: No, in your case… it won’t work, you’re not able to, however, the two organizations: the Egyptian and the Japanese are able to reach the Temple. Will this change? Well, it will change when the mummy is in the sarcophagus in the Pyramid – that will start to change. And… those who have security – given – from Me… I will say simple words: what are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Where is your faith? I am listening.

Michał: Welcome again Enki. In the first words I wanted to thank you for the trip to Egypt and everything that happened there, the positive changes in my life and my question is this: for all those unbelievers who will reach the Tomb afterwards, will they find an instruction manual on the mummy, what to do afterwards, so that there is no doubt that you have to go to the Pyramid?

ENKI: Have you all read… the messages? In one of the transmissions (I won’t say in which one either) there is an instruction: WHAT TO DO, that once the… mummy is on a stretcher let’s say and (!) destined to be carried to this sarcophagus in the Pyramid. It’s all written there. All it takes is a little patience and flipping through these messages. I am listening.

Person in the audience: Dear Enki, I still have a question, if – because I believe that of course we will reach the Tomb, I have no doubt, because a lot of, so to speak, work has been put into it for six and a half thousand years, I would like to ask if we in real time to these situations we will know something about it or only after?

ENKI: No, the thing is… there will be information provided, however, only WHEN… the group reaches the Temple and then the sarcophagus. And then further on it will be moved in a great ceremony to… the Pyramids, the main one and the unlocking… the connecting… with each other of the two Pyramids, of the two Earths, that is Earth and the Planet of Orion’s Belt, the first Planet. I am listening.

Paweł: Anyone else have a question? I think that was all the questions, I still wanted to take Enki another two or three minutes to thank you for our meeting and for the adventure that I had, because you know you ride in the car with me. I always have your picture in front of me there so that I have eye contact with you and I wanted to tell you how the fickle Spiritual World helps us, which we may not know about. While driving my car I drove into a drainage ditch so that I was not able to get the car out. Neither forwards nor backwards. I didn’t know what to do. I was very worried about this because my wife was waiting in Łódź to pick her up and within literally five or ten minutes max a young man came and says: oh, but, he says, you’ve made it. He says: but I’ll go to the shop here and come back, I’ve got a car with a winch and I’ll pull you out. So he did as he said. In a moment I asked him, but how did you get here? And he says: I was already tired, I was getting ready for bed, but suddenly I felt like having a beer…

Laughter from the audience.

Paweł: …that I couldn’t refuse myself! And I got dressed, and I went to the shop, and I saw you.

Collected laughter.

ENKI: Now listen. I have also said many, even hundreds of times: he who asks receives. If you ask sincerely… without falsehood, with faith, then everything you ask for is given to you. It was the same in the moment in which you found yourself. You asked, you sincerely asked for help from Us, the Spiritual World, from Me! How could I not help you? I am listening.

Paweł: Thank you very much for helping me. If there are no more questions, I also thank you very much for our meeting and for coming to us, for enduring here with us – so many years. And you have really angelic, heavenly patience with us.

ENKI: I have nooo choice. That’s how I’ve already been directed… as a Guardian of the Earth, that I have no choice, I have to. I want, I must and I will help. However, I also ask for one thing: trust, faith, for these are the two essential things that help Me and our Spiritual World in this help for you. This you must understand! So I, Enki for this altogether pleasant meeting, because… a lot has been explained today, and the most important thing is that… the Tomb of the Builder’s mummy – it is not empty. It is weeell equipped. So well, in fact, that… some cannot wait already. Howevertheir impatient will also depend on Us. I – Enki thank you for the meeting.

Paweł and members of the audience: Thank you very much. Thank you.



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